I thought it was about time to start posting
Ramones stuff, as they are so simple and such fun to play.
Also, I can remember them as I sit here and I don't
need my guitar to refer to!!!
I'll start with one of my favourites....
We're a Happy Family - The Ramones.
Intro: (I shan't annotate the Rhythm, because it's easy to
work out if you have the track.)
Power chords, of course !!!
E GWe're a Happy Family,
E AWe're a Happy Family,
We're a Happy Family,
DMe, Mom and Daddy!
Verse1 E G
Sitting here in Queens,
E Aeating refried beans,
we're in all the magazines,
Dgulping down Thorazines,
E Gwe ain't got no friends,
our troubles never end,
E Gno Christmas cards to send,
DDaddy likes men.
chorus (or verse)
Textes des accords RAMONES We`Re A Happy Family. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions